Podocarpus tōtara - Tōtara
Podocarpus tōtara is a species of podocarp tree endemic to New Zealand. Tōtara is commonly found in lowland areas where the soil is fertile and well drained, however it will tolerate a wide range of sites. Produces a dense clipped hedge. Prickly leaves deter both sheep and rabbits. Fruit from March-May attracts birds. Nectar from October-December attracts bees. Evergreen. Frost tender when young.
Height when mature: 35 m
Available in 6.5L and 1.3L pots
Tiered Pricing (1.3L pot):
1-9: $12 each
10-99: $11 each
100+: $10 each
Tiered pricing (6.5L pot):
1-9: $32 each
10-99: $30 each
100+ $28 each